UNITY Screen™ includes a carrier screen as well as a single-gene(for recessive conditions) and aneuploidy Non-Invasive Prenatal Test (NIPT) and only requires a maternal blood draw at 10+ weeks to assess fetal risk. No paternal sample needed
Who Needs This
Designed for a general

Expecting parents

Expecting parents

Expecting parents

One Test Multiple Insights.
To Your Baby's Health
How It Works
Discover The Difference
Detects ~3x more affected pregnancies than traditional carrier screening
Of male partners do not get tested. UNITY Fetal Risk Screen does not need the male partner’s sample
Reassure patients early: >99% of pregnancies have a low risk of being affected
Assay sensitivity:
accurately detect affected pregnancies
Negative predictive value (NPV)
trust in a negative result
Discover The Difference
Aneuploidy Screen
Blood from the Mother
5-12 Days Report
T13, T18, T21, and Sex Chromosomes
+ Optional Fetal Sex
+ Optional Fetal RhD NIPT
+ Optional 22q
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2200 AED
UNITY Carrier
Blood from the Mother
5-12 Days Report
w/ sgNIPT Reflex
Сhecks the baby’s DNA for specific conditions if mother is a carrier
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4600 AED
UNITY Aneuploidy
with Fetal Antigen NIPT
Blood from the Mother
5-12 Days Report
T13, T18, T21, and Sex Chromosomes
+ Optional Fetal Sex
+ Optional Fetal RhD NIPT
+ Optional Fetal Rbc Antigen NIPT
+ Optional 22q
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6000 AED
UNITY Complete
NIPT +Carrier
Blood from the Mother
5-12 Days Report
Carrier Screen w/ sgNIPT Reflex
Aneuploidy Screen w/ T13, T18, T21, and Sex Chromosomes
+ Optional Fetal Sex
+ Optional Fetal RhD NIPT
+ Optional 22q
Find Out More
7300 AED
UNITY Complete
with Fetal Antigen NIPT
Blood from the Mother
5-12 Days Report
Carrier Screen w/ sgNIPT Reflex
Aneuploidy Screen w/ T13, T18, T21, and Sex Chromosomes
+ Optional Fetal Sex
+ Optional Fetal RhD NIPT
+ Optional Fetal Rbc Antigen NIPT
+ Optional 22q
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11000 AED
Available for free as an add-on to all UNITY packages
Blood from the Mother
5-12 Days Report
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Gender Detection
Peakaboo Early Fetal Sex
Detection (7 weeks)
Blood from the Mother
5-12 Days Report
Fetal Sex
Peekaboo offers an early gender test, providing results up to 14 weeks earlier than traditional ultrasounds.
Determines your baby’s gender with over 99% accuracy.
3000 AED
1500 AED
Unlock Your Baby's 12 Unique
Traits Before Birth
just like you? Find out with BabyPeek
Sample Reports

Frequently Asked Questions
UNITY Complete takes advantage of a pregnancy’s DNA (circulating cell-free DNA, ccfDNA) floating in the maternal bloodstream to assess for genetic changes. Some of these genetic changes are extremely small – like changes to single genes that can cause recessive conditions. Some of these genetic changes involve the presence of an entire extra chromosome (aneuploidies). Our specialized QCT technology enables us to be able to count the genetic information we see from both mom and baby in a blood sample, and determine if there are differences that could indicate a baby has a higher chance of being affected with one of these conditions.
UNITY Complete offers multiple genetic insights from a single maternal blood sample. The results you receive will depend on which tests your healthcare provider orders. UNITY Aneuploidy NIPT screens pregnancies for chromosome conditions caused by extra or missing chromosomes including trisomy 21, trisomy 18, trisomy 13, monosomy X, XXX, XXY, and XYY. UNITY Aneuploidy NIPT can also tell you the baby’s gender. For twin pregnancies, you will also learn if your twins are identical or fraternal. Depending on your clinical picture, your doctor may also order UNITY Fetal RhD NIPT for moms who have a RhD- blood type, UNITY Fetal Antigen NIPT for moms who are alloimmunized to certain antigens, and 22q11.2 microdeletion analysis. UNITY Fetal Risk Screen determines if a pregnant person is a carrier for cystic fibrosis, spinal muscular atrophy, sickle cell disease, alpha-thalassemia, or beta-thalassemia. If you’re found to be a carrier for one of these conditions, the fetal DNA will be screened to determine if there is a high-chance or a low-chance for a pregnancy to be affected with a condition. In some cases, like twin pregnancies or those achieved with an egg donor, we are not able to perform a fetal risk assessment. Your provider may also order carrier screening for fragile X syndrome. If the mom is determined to be a carrier for this, our assay can perform cell-free DNA analysis to determine if the fetus is a male- this would put the fetus at higher risk to develop Fragile X Syndrome.
Possible results with UNITY Aneuploidy NIPT typically fall into low-risk fetus or high-risk fetus results. A Low Risk Fetus result means that the chance your pregnancy is affected with the screened conditions is significantly reduced, but not eliminated. A High-Risk Fetus result means there is an increased chance for your pregnancy to be affected with a specific condition. Confirmatory testing via chorionic villus sampling, amniocentesis, or postnatal evaluation is recommended. Note: this result does not guarantee a healthy child and does not eliminate the possibility of other chromosome abnormalities, birth defects, or other genetic conditions. UNITY Fetal Risk Screen provides maternal carrier screening results (reported as a positive carrier or negative carrier). If a pregnant person is found to be a carrier, fetal testing will automatically be performed via cell-free DNA analysis. Possible results from the fetal testing can fall into decreased/low-risk categories or increased/high-risk categories.
If you have a query – we’ll do our best to assist you.